Evil alien race inhabits hollow earth Agartha or Lemuria inside the Antarctic ice wall – NEWS

A startling theory has emerged suggesting that a malevolent extraterrestrial race could be living inside the fabled Hollow Earth, specifically in the legendary realms of Agartha or Lemuria, hidden deep within Antarctica’s massive ice wall. This theory combines elements of ancient myths with modern conspiracy theories, proposing that these advanced and sinister beings have established control over a hidden world, far from human eyes.


The theory claims that Agartha and Lemuria, two mythical civilizations said to have existed thousands of years ago, still thrive beneath the Earth’s surface, and some even speculate that extraterrestrial forces have taken over these subterranean realms. Supporters of this idea believe that these alien beings could be manipulating the planet from within, using the remote and isolated environment of Antarctica as their stronghold.

Legends of Agartha, often described as a utopian underground city, and Lemuria, a lost continent, have long fascinated those who believe in the Hollow Earth theory.


Now, this sinister twist suggests that rather than being peaceful civilizations, these hidden worlds may have been infiltrated by hostile extraterrestrial forces, intent on controlling humanity from the shadows.

These aliens are often said to possess advanced technology, far beyond anything possessed by humanity, allowing them to remain hidden and undetected for centuries. Some even believe that governments are aware of their existence, but are keeping it secret to avoid widespread panic. Alleged sightings of strange craft entering and leaving areas of Antarctica, along with strange magnetic anomalies, have fueled speculation about their activities.


As extraordinary as this theory sounds, it taps into the age-old fascination with hidden worlds, lost civilizations, and extraterrestrial influence. Whether these claims are rooted in reality or pure fiction, the idea that a hostile alien race could be controlling a secret underground world beneath Antarctica adds a chilling layer to the mysteries of our planet.

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