Discover the Beryl-Spangled Tanager: A Bird with a Mesmerizing Turquoise Glow

Beryl-spangled Tanager - eBird

Named after its spangled appearance, the Beryl-Spangled Tanager graces the forests of South America with its radiant presence. This avian gem is a true testament to nature’s artistic prowess, donning a palette of turquoise feathers that shimmer and shine in the sunlight. Its ethereal beauty has rightfully earned it a place of honor in the hearts of those who have been fortunate enough to encounter it.

Tanagers Galore in Ecuador! | Outside My Window

Sporting a medium-sized physique, measuring around 6.5 inches in length, this avian wonder exhibits a striking coloration that sets it apart. The back and wings are adorned with a captivating turquoise hue that captures the essence of tropical splendor. The head and neck are cloaked in sleek black attire, while the underbelly boasts a pristine white canvas, completing the harmonious ensemble.

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Remarkably, the female of the species shares the same spangled allure as her male counterpart, although the male’s colors tend to be significantly more vibrant and mesmerizing.

Beyond its enchanting exterior, the Beryl-Spangled Tanager is a social being, often found in the company of its avian companions. It dines on a diverse menu that includes fruits, insects, and small invertebrates, a testament to its adaptable nature. The breeding season of this avian marvel spans from April to August, during which time it crafts its nests in the embrace of trees or shrubs. Here, the female carefully lays two to three eggs, which are tenderly incubated for a span of approximately two weeks.

Beryl-spangled Tanager (Tangara nigroviridis) · iNaturalist

However, even amidst its captivating presence, the Beryl-Spangled Tanager is not without its trials. Habitat loss and fragmentation loom as serious threats, endangering its continued existence. It is our shared responsibility to take proactive steps to safeguard both this exquisite bird and its natural habitat, ensuring that the generations that follow can continue to revel in the spectacle of its beauty.

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From the tropical reaches of Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil, to the heights of Peru, the Beryl-Spangled Tanager graces the landscape with its iridescent presence at elevations ranging from 4,900 to 9,500 feet. This avian jewel serves as a testament to the enchanting diversity that our planet’s ecosystems hold, reminding us of the wondrous tapestry of life that surrounds us.

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