“Amistad Inquebrantable: Perro Llora por un Milagroso Reencuentro y Mantiene una Vigilia Desgarradora junto a su Amigo Moribundo”

The brown husky, which was lying in the middle of the road, was killed by a passing car in Zhejiang province on April 17.


The cream-colored dog desperately pawed and barked sadly at his dead friend until his friend came to pick him up.

According to a report by People’s Daily Online affiliate Huanqui.com, the unfortunate event took place yesterday in Nianli Village of Quzhou City.


The husky can be seen lying motionless on the road, while his cream-colored friend watched over the body for at least half an hour.

The cream-colored dog desperately touched the husky’s lifeless corpse in an effort to resuscitate it.


The video posted by Pear Video shows the distressed dog trying to wake up the dead dog. He mourned the death of his friend on the road where cars continually passed.

Some passers-by gathered on the side of the road, but none of them could explain the cause of the traffic accident.


About half an hour later, a woman dressed in black appeared and shouted the husky’s name.


A police officer on duty asked her: ‘Are you the owner of the dogs?’


The cream-colored dog followed his dead friend as the owner took him to the side of the road and called for help.

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